Augmented Reality: The Next Shopping Revolution

Posted by Mansi 10/03/2022 171 Comment(s) Augmented Reality,

With jewellers embracing technology, here’s how PlushMeet helps you keep up with changing times


The jewellery industry is slowly embracing the technologies that have revolutionised other sectors. These cutting edge tools of transformation include 3D Printing, computer-aided design (CAD) and Augmented Reality (AR), among others. Technologies like these are single-handedly changing the future of retail.


While 3D printing and CAD are more useful to create and design jewellery, Augmented Reality can be a powerful marketing tool if you’re looking to expand your jewellery business to a new or bigger area. AR not only brings your jewellery store closer to global customers but also gives them a chance to try on the jewellery in your inventory irrespective of the distance, giving them a first-hand, hassle-free feel of jewellery shopping through virtual jewellery tryon apps. 


AR: Taking your Jewellery to a Global Audience


New-age shoppers are always looking for the most convenient ways to shop. Many AR-powered jewellery Tryon apps are now going a step further and introducing exciting new features to help jewellers bring in more customers through features like Ring & Bracelet Tryons and Group Video-Calling features powered by AR, giving your users an incredibly immersive experience and allowing them to engage in jewellery shopping like they would in a physical store. Plushvie’s PlushMeet is one such tool that not just gives you a chance to reach out to customers all over the globe, but makes it easier for you to adapt to technology.


3-Click Product Upload & Data-packed Insights


AR-powered Virtual Jewellery Tryon Apps like PlushMeet not just give your users a feel of your jewellery, thereby increasing instore footfall, but also make it easier for you to embrace technology through their easy-to-use, interactive dashboard and a quick 3-Click Product Upload for your entire inventory. Apart from that, its dashboard also notes your most viewed jewellery item, most tried jewellery item, among other data insights, boosting your business growth.


Embracing Technology was never Easier

Tired of the usual, age-old promotional gimmicks for your jewellery store? Why not use technology as a marketing tool? With AR being used by so many large corporations and jewellery stores, now give your jewellery business the power of technology! Integrate Augmented Reality-powered Virtual Jewellery Tryon tools in your product launch to give your buyers an exciting jewellery buying experience and find new customers across the globe. 

Not sure about Virtual Jewellery Tryon tools? Why not try one yourself?

To know more visit our website or reach out to us at

Also read PlushMeet in a New Avatar
