7 reasons why Internet Marketing is Important

Posted by Plushvie 01/03/2021 0 Comment(s) Digital Marketing,

Today companies of all shapes & sizes are starting to use the internet & digital technology to bypass the limitations of the physical world & also to get ahead of their competitors by capturing a large part of the market share. New technologies & advancements not only help businesses reach their target audience faster but also helps deliver new products & services in the market faster. With more consumers & businesses shopping & researching products & services online, it has become inevitable for companies to recognise the importance of online marketing & internet marketing. Once a business learns how it can leverage internet marketing for its business, it will start growing in brand new ways


With the growth of technology, it’s crucial that you have an effective Internet marketing plan in place. Internet marketing helps you continue to grow your business. There are lots of reasons to start digitalisation of your own company.


Between 2020 and 2023 the direct investments into digital transformation are projected to reach a total of 6.8 trillion U.S. dollars. For 2023 alone, the spending on the technologies and services that enable digital transformation worldwide is expected to amount to 2.3 trillion U.S. dollars.
(Source: Statista Research department) 

79% of companies admit that COVID-19 increased the budget for digital transformation
(Source: super office)


Here are the top few reasons why you should have your business online:

1)  You can find a majority of your customers online: Internet marketing is gaining much & much importance because you can find the majority of your customers online. Over 4.2 billion people are on the Internet, thus it’s a great opportunity to reach out to this vast audience who can also be your leads and further a potential customer. People use the internet to search for almost everything. By investing in internet marketing you are literally a step closer to your potential leads. 


2) Online business is extremely inexpensive:  Altogether you can expect to spend $100 - $200 i.e. 7-10 lakh Indian rupees for the year you are getting starting & over time you can generate enough income. The ROI from an online business is quite high in the long run but you need to understand that it is a time-consuming process & you can not expect overnight results.


Internet marketing is two-way communication: Traditional marketing or advertising is one-way communication. Whenever we create a TV ad or a print advertisement you need to wait for your audience to visit your store. As offline marketing is a one-way communication process your consumer cannot ask you questions they cannot learn more about the service or a product.
Internet marketing has the ability to create a two-way communication. Your clients can contact you through your website or through your social media platforms. 
With the help of internet marketing, you build a relationship with your audience and there are high chances that they will become your permanent consumers.


Get Advanced Analytics: With the help of internet marketing, you can easily measure the analytics of your event campaigns to see the performance of your campaigns. Analytics allows you to see the performance of your campaigns and the different metrics of your campaigns. 
Analytics helps you to monitor many metrics such as impressions, views, clickthrough rate, reactions and more. Whenever you monitor your campaign, you get to know how your audience perceives your business. It helps you to create better campaigns that help you to grow your busines


5) There is growth potential: When you develop a website, you start spending time on the right things like marketing/Seo & Sem of the website & other income-producing activities that will help you reduce the number of hours you work & will also leave you with a lot of time to think about other innovative ideas to bring traffic on the website & to bring growth to the organisation. Over time you will be able to grow an asset that works for you and generates passive income in return allowing you to have more financial flexibility.


Your business can run 24 hours a day: No matter how much you try your offline store can not function all day long but your online store i.e. your website can be the function to everyone, any time of the day. Websites are always online & thus it provides flexibility to consumers to shop when they are free without any hassle of travelling to the store. This can be a  major benefit for the organisation & for the end consumers.


Helps in providing the consumer with a personalised experience: The consumers always wants to feel like they are a part of the brand. Personalized marketing enables you to customize your audience’s experience. You can create a tailored experience that fits their interests best.


Due to digitalization, every businessman is willing to be on a digital platform. In the above article, we tried to address a few points that give you an idea about online marketing and why it is very important. Internet marketing is a valuable way for your business to grow. You’ll earn more valuable leads that turn into conversions. Along with opportunities, online marketing will bring some challenges too, but those challenges will help you to grow your business.

Also, read our latest blog on Off-page And On-page SEO.


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