Social Media Optimisation Vs Social Media Marketing

Posted by Plushvie 12/01/2021 1 Comment(s) Digital Marketing,

SMO & SMM are two different digital marketing strategies that are making huge impacts on the market. Even when these two terms seem so similar yet their real meaning are contradictory to each other. SMM & SMO helps in increasing the visibility of the website after all online & digital marketing is all about awareness & promotion.



Social Media Optimisation: SMO refers to the process of optimizing the website to exhibit it online on various social media platforms. It is a procedure where one needs to work on their website & different web pages to know if they are fit & optimum to perform on any social media channel. SMO helps in promoting the products or services or a company through several channels of social media.



Advantages of SMO


  1. Improved brand loyalty

  2. Increase in brand recognition & brand awareness

  3. Helps in introducing the product to the targeted audience & increased conversion rate 

  4. Build a relationship with customers

  5. Lower marketing costs


Techniques of SMO

  • Add social widgets to the websites

  • Create quality content that has the potential to gain viewership

  • Increase your interaction with consumers on social media

  • Keep your social media identity or social media page consistent 

  • Create content that can be easily shared & post regularly

  • Use relevant keywords while creating content 

  • Design your website properly

  • Optimize your social media platform thoroughly & from time to time


Social Media Marketing:  SMM is the next step to Social media optimization, once the website & the content is optimized, it gets ready to be exposed or exhibited on several social media platforms for the followers or audience, in general, to know your business, about the product or the service you offer & about your brand. SMM mainly includes branding activities such as social media posts, blogs, Google and Facebook ads, images & videos that can help you introduce your business or brand.  


Let us understand how to create a strong social media marketing strategy :


 Step 1 : The first step includes setting an objective or a social media goal that is aligned with your business objectives. This is an important step because without setting a goal you will not be able to measure the return on investment. Thus, the goal should be measurable, attainable, very specific and relevant to our business goals.

Step 2 : This step requires you to know your audience well. This means you need to learn everything about your target consumers. Through this you will be able to create content, that your target consumers will like & they might also share. This is a critical step because this can help you convert your followers or connection to potential customers in the long run. Social media analytics can be a good tool to get tons of valuable information about your consumers & followers.


Step 3 : This step involves knowing your competition and your competitors well. Chances are your competitors are already following you on your social media & this way you can gather a lot of competition about them. Also, you can conduct a competitive analysis, this can help you understand your competitors' strengths & weaknesses & also will help you spot opportunities in the same market.  



Step 4 : Conduct a social media audit timely to take stock of the effort that has been made by you so far. Compare your social media presence to that of your competitors & also analyze what type of content have kept your audience engaged. The audit should give you a clear picture of what is the purpose of each of your social media accounts.




Step 5 : Create a social media content calendar. Sharing great content is very important but it's equally important to have a plan in hand for when you will share content & the platform on which you will share. The content calendar can account for a list of dates & times at which you will publish your content on each channel.




To conclude the major difference between SMO and SMM is the former refers to the on-page modification on the website whereas the latter suggests changes outside the website on other social media platforms. SMM begins where SMO ends.

Also, read our last blog on AR,VR & MR the big difference

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