Grow your business with Google AdWords

Posted by Plushvie 05/02/2021 2 Comment(s) Tutorial,

Google Adwords is an online platform that allows you to display your advertisement on Google’s search engine results pages. We can also call it to pay per click advertising platform. Businesses use Google Adwords and pay to get their advertisement ranked at the top of the google search results.


Let’s discuss how it works. There are 7 steps on the path of making Google Ad campaigns.



As soon as you go to Google Ads website, you will see START NOW by clicking on that you can sign up for your Google Ads account. After that, you can click on “ CREATE YOUR FIRST CAMPAIGN.

STEP 2: Select the Campaign Type and Name

It is best to select SEARCH NETWORK ONLY while choosing campaign type.

Name your campaign. Choose the name of the campaign related to your product or service you are advertising.

STEP 3: Ad Display location

You have plenty of options when it comes to audience location. You can select an entire country or just a city and if you want a specific area, you can use latitude and longitude coordinates.

Make sure that you are aware of the location of your ideal audience. If you are selling your services or products to people throughout India, choose India. For business owners who want to sell their products and services internationally, can set up several campaigns for countries where most of your customers live.

STEP 4: Set Your Daily Budget

 Initially, its best to set a low daily budget. This will help you to start slowly, gather data.

You should keep a close eye on your campaigns and adjust your budget for each week because there are minimal possibilities that google can go slightly over your daily or monthly budget. 

You can also set up your payment option:

1: Manual Payment

2: Automatic Payment

3: Monthly Invoicing


STEP 5: Add Keywords

Use tools to choose proper keywords. Add 10 to 20 keywords which are relevant to your business. 

Don’t add any keywords where there you have any kind of doubt that the searcher may not be looking for your product or service.

Step 6: Create an Ad

After selecting the relevant keywords now you need to create an attractive ad that will bring your consumer to your website. Prospects click on an ad that has the similar keywords they use in the search bar. So, if you are choosing a keyword your consumer uses. You will see the options of headlines while creating an ad, be sure to use keywords in one of the two headlines.

Next step is Ad description. While adding description keep your focus on the benefits of your product and service and end it with the call to action.


Step 7: Set Up Conversion Tracking

The last step of this path is to set up appropriate conversion tracking for your business. Google gives you some options:

  1. E-commerce order

  2. Calls from ads

  3. Calls from the websites

  4. Webform leads

If you want to measure the effectiveness of your ad then make sure you set up all the appropriate conversion tracking options before you turn the ad campaign on.


As your ads campaign runs, keep an eye on google analytics so that you will be able to see the response. You will also get an idea about which ad consumers click the most. With the higher cost-per-click keywords you can create similar ad campaigns.


Now, it's time to run your Google ad campaign.