How to leverage your business through video call

28/12/2020 1 Comment(s) Tips to grow jewelry business,

Live video chat is the trendiest thing in the world. There are many business benefits of live video chat but the key reasons why companies & vendors are opting for video conferencing are that it delivers a superior personalised experience to customers & has become an innovative technique to keep the consumers engaged & delighted. 


Businesses are always looking for  innovative ways to enhance customer experience, and video chat is one such solution that offers a rich feeling of presence to the customers and a highly collaborative communication due to its real-time nature. 



Benefits of Live video conferencing:


  1. Real time service:  

Video chat provides an opportunity where customers can  interact with the seller  in a real-time and personalized way. Most customers prefer to interact with a live representative so that their problems get solved timely. Mostly the  live and real-time nature of video chat is preferred by customers when they need a personalized service and faster resolution. 





  1. Improvement in customer service:

With an faster and clear understanding of customer challenges and the show-and-tell methodologies employed by the vendor,  the process becomes easier-to-understand for the customers and there is a tremendous rise in customer satisfaction rates.     



  1. Better Relationships With Customers:

A high level of personalization in the virtual world is only possible through video calls, that builds better customer relationships and loyalty. This helps in increasing the lifetime value of a customer. Customers also feel more connected & thus there can be an increase in their purchase.




  1. Can be Offered Any time and From Anywhere:

The best thing about video call is that it can be provided virtually at any time and from anywhere. Salespeople or customer support agents do not have to be present physically at the customer's location and yet nurture them and help them make the purchase smooth.






  1. Stand out from the competition :

Video call is still not leveraged by every company and hence it is a great time for companies to establish an image that the competitors have still not gotten into. One of the biggest benefits of video call for companies is that it enables them to stand out from the competition.





Video Calls for your business!


In the current times of Covid-19  face to face meetings have really become difficult & it is always viable to stay productive with a remote workforce for the ultimate success of the business. At times like such it is really important to have the right online video and chat solution.


Give your consumer an easy way to make purchases & convenient check outs that can make all the difference in consumer satisfaction. As people all around the globe have increasingly started using the web to shop, google meet has become one stop solution for all small & medium scale businesses.


Through different applications available vendors can video call their customers to showcase latest designs & trendy products available with them & consumers can make an easy purchase. Also consumers can contact vendors anytime to know the status of their order, or to place a new order. 


Vendors can showcase their products upto 25 people together for free. This saves time of both i.e. the vendor as well as the customers.


At this juncture it is difficult to have walk-in customers thus it is advisable to keep your consumers updated with the current trends & latest products via video calls & conferences, also it is equally  important to keep interacting with consumers so that you don’t lose them in the long run.




Also, read our blog on Email marketing & its tools.


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