Instagram Best Practices For Jewellers

Posted by Mansi 24/03/2022 0 Comment(s) Digital Marketing,

Introducing your jewellery business to Instagram? Here’s what you should know.

Every jeweller knows that jewellery is not just about selling - it’s about crafting exquisite, personal pieces of art for customers. Every time you sell a piece of jewellery, you don’t just sell ornaments, but a unique work of art, crafted to show the unique personality of your customer. Jewellery, by its nature, is a visual art form, and there is no reason you shouldn’t market it like one!


So, how do we move from showcasing jewellery as just a piece of ornament to a souvenir? Let’s take a look at five things to keep in mind when you’re introducing your jewellery business to a huge marketplace like Instagram.


  1. Be Uniquely, you: From picking an accurate Instagram handle name to deciding what to write in your bio/description, show your customers what exactly your brand represents. Let us remind you, there are thousands of businesses on Instagram, but one thing that attracts users is authenticity. Find what sets you apart from other jewellery businesses, and create your own persona. Don’t be afraid to use emojis too! It’s a great way to add some fun and personality to your account.

    Here’s another useful tip: Instagram audiences see hundreds of ads everyday. Don’t be pushy; try not to show that you’re selling right away. Instead, find a way that helps you connect with your audiences!

  2. Understand your Audience to Create Engaging Content: After you’re done with choosing a username, a bio and a profile picture comes the main question - what do you post? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. About 65% of online marketers struggle with the same question. To understand what to post, you need to know your target audience. Once you do, it’s easier to curate content to keep them engaged. 

    You can figure out many attributes of your target audience by seeing what kind of people are following you. If used wisely, Instagram can become a useful, real-time feedback loop for your business!

  3. Create an Aesthetic: If you’ve browsed through Instagram enough, you will see that many businesses have colour and aesthetic themes that they follow in whatever they post. Whether it is posting quotes or pictures or facts about jewellery, you can follow a consistent theme to make your IG feed aesthetically pleasing.

    Remember, high-quality images are an essential part of Instagram, so make sure that all the photos you post are high quality, bright, crisp and clear photos of your jewellery. Your Instagram is a digital representation of your jewellery business - you can put your unique touch to it! 

  4. Connect with your Audience: Instagram, like any other social media platform, is a two-way street. You don’t want to make it look like you’re the only one there. Involve your audiences in it too! Ask them to post their own photos using your store name,  repost their stories and make sure that you respond promptly to their queries and comments to make them feel heard; you can even ask them to share their feedback! Stay available and visible to make sure that your audiences know that there’s a real person behind your Instagram.

    Tip: When posting on Instagram, make sure to find and use hashtags that can give your post more visibility. Ask your audience to post their own photos, using your store name as a hashtag or other jewelry keywords. Link the right  hashtags to specific product categories or trending topics and watch your channel boom!

  5. Use the Power of Video Content: Video content like Reels are immensely popular on Instagram, especially since the Tik Tok ban. Reels are not only a fun, interesting way to showcase your store, but also get you a lot of visibility from across countries! Reels also increase customer engagement and keep your feed interesting!


Instagram is a great medium to reach younger audiences - which are more valuable than an older audience. Making an everlasting impression ensures that they buy from you again and again; including gifts, birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, and every other special occasion in their life.

Still not sure about taking your jewellery store to the digital platform? Here’s one reason to help you understand how digital transformation can boost your growth!



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Also read Why is your Customer’s Shopping Experience Important?
