Technological upgrade in Jewelry Industry in 2020.

Posted by Plushvie 08/12/2020 0 Comment(s) Tips to grow jewelry business,


Due to Covid-19 lockdowns, social distancing and remote work arrangements have changed the pattern for the business and lifestyle norms. B2B business improved their design and their perspective of running the business changes. 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) usage is increasing rapidly in the business as it is new technology and is making business very easy and solving any problems easily. 


Virtual revolution:


Due to Covid-19 pandemic businesses started using  digital tools that enhance virtual shopping which are growing in relevance. 


Millennials are the future and they are very much sure about their habits of purchasing. They want loyalty from brands that deliver the digital experience. Modern customers don’t focus on price but they are more into experience. And looking at this Artificial Intelligence is the best way to deliver meaningful experience to the millennials. 







Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the new future and when we talk particularly about the Jewelry market then TRYON has hit the market. TRYON is made by using Artificial Intelligence in which you can try jewelry by just sitting at home. 


Plushvie has JewelTry which will help you to reach at the doorstep of the customers by just integrating JewelTry on your website so that whenever they visit your website they can also try your products and designs and also purchase it from them. 


And due to Covid-19 JewelTry has become a very important tool to grow the business. As clients prefer less to go out and shop they visit the website and then try your products and also buy it from them. 




Video Calling:


Also, the jewelry industry started video calling to clients so that they can do online shopping but also having the proper feel of wearing the jewelry while using TRYON and also salesperson explaining what material and where jewelry is made from. 


Video calling has become a new trend and also clients are liking it and also it cuts the expenditure. 



So, to conclude, the jewelry industry has made a lot of growth in terms of technology advancement. 


Also, if looking to advance the your jewelry store click on this link and try JewelTry now. 


Thank you