Tips for jewelry photography

16/12/2020 0 Comment(s) Tips to grow jewelry business,

Jewelry photography is different and harder than any genre of any other product photography. There are some factors that should be taken into consideration while jewelry photography.


So we are going to give you some tips that will help you to embellish your jewelry photography. Before we begin with the tips, let’s not get confused between different kinds of jewelry photography.  There are 2 types of jewelry photography one is for PRODUCT E-COMMERCE WEBSITE PHOTOGRAPHY and another is for EDITORIALS PHOTOGRAPHY.


In this blog, we will give you a clear picture regarding the tips of product jewelry photography.


  • Keep Things Clean :

The jewelry must be clean and dust free because when you are shooting jewelry products then it is done with a micro lens and all the details are seen clearly. So, it's necessary that there should be no marks of fingerprints and also no other marks. You can remove dust from the piece of the product & add shine to your jewelry by whipping it with soft cotton before you shoot the products. 


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  • Keep It Simple :. 

In jewelry shoots you must take care that the surface should be of wood, glass and anything that doesn't reflect and also jewelry is reflected properly. Also adding any pros would be too complicated so just keep it simple. Detailed photos will go in a great way for campaign shoots, but if it comes to the online eCommerce store, it is better to keep it simple to make it easier for the customers to quickly view all the images and imagine the product on themselves as well.




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  • The position is Everything: 


Now when you do jewelry shoots, light plays a very important role. You should only keep two lights so that they don't reflect and also the product reflects properly. The light placing should be one above the product and one sideways from the product. That gives you the best and perfect picture of your product. It is  better to perform jewelry product photography in natural light, sso it is advised to position the jewelry piece near a window & take a photo in the daylight to get natural & more flattering pictures. 




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  • A Smaller Room :


The key to getting great results is to control the light you'll need to illuminate your subjects, and the simplest way to control it is to confine it to a small space. The best way to do it is to shoot in the small tent and also in a very confined space. When you shoot it in the small tent no light can enter into the tent so you can get the best photos. 




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Jewelry photography is an art that demands a lot of attention & attentiveness. The tips mentioned above could be of great help when you photograph jewelry.


Read our blog on Technoloical advancement in Jewelry Industry in 2020.



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