5 ways jewellers are adopting to keep their customers engaged

Posted by Plushvie 07/06/2021 0 Comment(s) Tips to grow jewelry business,Augmented Reality,

Industries all over the world are heavily impacted by the Covid-19 outbreak & the jewellery industry is no exception. There will be many changes that the jewellery retail sector will witness in the post-COVID-19. There have already been more dedicated efforts being put in by jewellery retailers to ensure the consumers’ utmost safety and take extra steps to increase customer engagement & retention. 

The lockdown in India had paused business operations for a while, which gave jewellers a chance to analyze their current situation and chart out a strategy for the future and focus on how they can make this phase exciting and inventive for the customers. Various steps are taken in the public interest not only to digitalise & reach a wider audience but also to provide an outstanding yet safe in-store experience for consumers.


5 ways jewellers are adopting to keep engaged with their customers

1) Augmented reality

Augmented reality is one of the biggest technology trends right now & with time it is only going to get bigger & better as AR ready smartphones and other devices become more accessible around the world. Augmented reality helps you see the real-life environment with an augmentation overlaid on it. The Covid-19 induced lockdown has encouraged many branded jewellers have adopted AR technology to provide consumers with a real-time experience. Augmented Reality is an interactive experience where objects that reside in the real world are enhanced by computer-generated perceptual information.

As the technology evolves and gives users more and more accurate renderings of how digital objects look in physical spaces. It is expected that more and more industries will hop onto the AR marketing bandwagon. For jewellers, AR has the potential to transform and completely reimagine customer experiences. These innovations will help jewellery retailers connect better with consumers and empower shoppers to make more informed and accurate purchase decisions, ultimately reducing purchase anxiety.

A virtual try-on makes a huge difference in the overall shopping or purchasing experience of the end-users. It can be an in-store or web-integrated, augmented reality provides the consumer with a realistic &  personalised experience. Consumers can now try an infinite number of jewellery and other products no matter where they are at that moment & make the right choice. Besides this, virtual try-on also helps to reduce the cost that the brand has to incur in case of return of goods. Consumers can try & then make an informed purchase that will decline the rate at which the goods are returned.

Many of the tech-savvy jewellers have started leveraging augmented reality for increasing sales. Customers can select the jewellery, try them on their neck virtually & make an informed decision. The possibility & ease to virtually try-on jewellery is a must-have for all jewellery retail brands. Consumers can get the look & feel of their jewellery with a single swipe on their screen. Quality face tracking allows having a clear picture of what to buy and what not to buy. Augmented reality & virtual try-on has huge potential in the coming years.


It will allow many businesses to leverage their brand through augmented reality. Also, by creating a personalised experience, consumer satisfaction increases with each purchase & which helps brands increase their clientele. Augmented reality (AR) is one of the biggest technology trends right now and it’s going to get bigger as AR-powered smartphones and other devices become more accessible around the world.

Upgrade your jewellery story with Plushvie


Plushvie offers a real-time & smooth jewellery try-on experience online. It is highly recommended for every Jewellery retailer who wants to expand their business and cater to Millennials., Plushvie provides the consumer with a realistic &  personalised experience. With Jewel-try integrated for your website or in-store Consumers will be able to try an infinite number of jewellery and other products no matter where they are at that moment & make the right choice.


JewelTry is made by using Artificial Intelligence in which you can try a variety of jewellery online without any hassle. We have expert developers and designers to give you this flawless virtual jewellery trial online at your comfort with extreme ease.  To book your demo or discuss how you can increase your business through augmented reality, visit our website now.




2) Video Calling


As jewellers are now becoming digitally active for all kinds of shopping, and customers are more and more comfortable with purchasing jewellery online, making new additions to the online buying experience is always a good idea.


Brands are also witnessing lockdown weddings happening, and jewellery is considered one of the most essential commodities of a wedding. As the customers are restricted to visit the stores physically, one can initiate sales on video calls and send images of their products to the customer to make the best choices out of it. 


Imagine buying your wedding jewellery from the comfort of your home through a video call! You could select your preferred design and get the sales executive at the store to wear and display it to you virtually or through AR. Thereafter, you could either close the deal at home or take an appointment to visit the store to try out the jewellery yourself and then make the payment. Virtual jewellery experience in the new normal, key emerging trends & consumers are adopting it pretty fast.


Buyers can get an in-store experience through video calls, allowing customers a seamless video-call-based buying experience. Once a potential buyer has chosen the pieces of jewellery, the selected products are taken to the buyer’s house where she tries them on and decides. Taking this one step further, Jewellers can have a virtual try-on with 3D images so the customers can have a close feel.


3) Upgrading on E-commerce website 

In the face of rapidly changing consumer preference and shopping habits, businesses are finding the need to pivot quickly to stay competitive in today’s landscape. Social distancing, the hassle of dealing with crowds and lines, and frequent inventory shortages have been increasingly frustrating. Thus, restoring to e-commerce website has become the need of the hour. 


Searching products on mobile is way easier than browsing in stores and streets. Running an online store is more productive and there is less capital investment than the physical store. The online presence of a business is one of the communication medium between the consumer and the vendor. Setting up an e-commerce store is requires planning, understanding the technical requirements, and developing the marketing strategy.  

The two most important factors that can encourage jewellers to transform their business at an e-commerce platform :


1) Round the clock working: The best part of selling your product on an e-commerce platform is that your consumer can buy their favourite product at their convenient time from any place. In 2019, it’s estimated there are 1.92 billion digital buyers, and E-commerce sales account for 14.1% of retail purchases worldwide. It is expected that in 2023, E-commerce retail purchases will rise from 14.1% to 22%.

 (source: Statista)


2) Easy global reach: An E-commerce platform gives you the ability to sell your product globally. Your brand can touch the global boundaries by selling your product via the website. Each time, it's impossible for the consumer to come across the different places to purchase the product from the particular store in only some places. In that situation, the e-commerce website helps you and your consumer.

Internet marketing is a valuable way for your business to grow. You’ll earn more valuable leads that turn into conversions. Online marketing will bring some challenges along with opportunities, but those challenges will help you grow your business.

(Source: Mobicommerce)


4) Leverage Social Media for sharing branded images to show product premiums


It is essential to know that social media is one such place where your potential customers are always & readily available. Reach the very palm of your target audience with a strong social media presence that draws them towards your brand. Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest are great digital marketing platforms to increase the exposure of your jewellery brand. Opt for innovative social media campaigns to create awareness about your brand, promote your products, and engage your followers.


Think about Tiffany’s.


Their brand name is enough for consumers to associate each of their pieces with luxury. But just because they cater only to a specific segment that can afford a high-end product, do they ignore social media marketing for their luxury brand? No, they don’t.

Because channels like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are great platforms for luxury brands to showcase the affluent lifestyles they can offer to consumers.

Various ways in which the jewellery sector can be promoted on Social Media:


  • Showcase jewellery designs

  • Customer satisfaction reviews

  • Engage people with key attractions

  • Exclusive offers.

  • Event / exhibition updates

  • Testimonial videos

Social Media Marketing of your jewellery business can include all the following: 

  • Brand promotion in Social Media

  • Regular informative & promotional posts

  • Pre-Launch Campaign (for new collections)

  • Post-Launch Campaign (storytelling, testimonial)

  • Event promotion (for brand recall)

  • Group promotion (for awareness, branding)

  • Selfie and tagging contest (for engagement & brand recall)

  • Bridal jewellery / Special moments / Puja stories and short videos share (for engagement &

  • Maintain proactive response (for lead)

  • Maintain freshness & regularity of post on social pages (for increasing genuine followers)




5) The power of Email & Sms to keep consumers engaged


Email & Sms marketing has the potential to convert prospects into customers & time buyers into loyal & lifetime consumers. These are a highly efficient digital marketing tool. In the era of social media, Sms & email remains the most effective way of generating leads & gaining consumer loyalty for the long run. Right from the point a consumer trusts you enough to share their contact details and place an order on your online jewellery store, you need to proactively communicate with them over their preferred channel of conversation.

Sms  Marketing: SMS marketing (short message service) is a type of customer communication method that requires permission from a business to communicate with a customer via text message to promote, sell, update or confirm specific messages. This technique needs the customer to opt-in, much like an email marketing subscription, so brands and retailers have the ability to send product updates, discounts and important information directly to the consumers’ device.

Email Marketing: Emails play a pivotal role in the business arena so they should be impactful & influential enough to make you reach your target audience as well as to bring in new customers. Through email marketing you can send various types of content to a list of subscribers via email, this content can serve to generate website traffics, leads or even product sign-ups. It is important to note that newsletters or email serve something valuable to the customers.


Here are few things you need to keep in mind when using emails for your jewellery store marketing: 

  • Stay true to your brand and customize the look and feel of your emails

  • Use the emails to introduce your products to the subscribers

  • Leverage the power of personalized product recommendations to bring back existing customers for more

  • Educate your email list about the ‘care’ of the high-value products

  • Make them feel like they’re a part of an exclusive list that gets to hear about you before the others

  • Focus on nudging subscribers to explore your products instead of just sales

  • Keep your email list clean at all times!

Improving customer engagement rate means adopting a customer-centric business model. The best customer engagement strategies will probably result in many business benefits. In general, a great customer engagement strategy is what sets your business apart from the competition.

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