Vocal for local

20/10/2020 0 Comment(s) Digital Marketing,Tips to grow jewelry business,


Covid-19 pandemic has left people with no jobs. Since, March’2020 Many small business has been affected by this pandemic and left with no income source. Many People are suffering from Job Loss and having this difficult time to spend.


When world was facing the economical crisis, Our country decided something very innovative to revive our economy, therefore on 12th May’2020, Our Honorable Prime Minister “Narendra Modi”Jee made an appeal to the nation for achieving self-reliance in not just winning the war against “COVID-19” but also emerging as a global leader. And so, ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan’ was first introduced to the nation.


The ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan’ aimed towards improving the Indian economy during and after the “Covid Pandemic”, and transition into a bigger and evolved part of the global economy.


With the introduction of this policy, another important campaign which focuses on benefiting the Make in India movement by emphasizing the promotion of local brands, manufacturing and supply chain is – Vocal for Local.


It is nothing but an extension of the ‘Swadeshi Movement’ idea conceived by some great freedom fighters of the country, including the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi.


Vocal for local gives unequivocal importance to the domestic industries and the small-scale Kirana stores. In a time where we are struggling to maintain liquidity and regular cash flow, the vocal for local movement can also be seen as an impetus to reawaken demand and hence, to throw a lifeline to the small and marginal domestic industries which are struggling to survive in the wake of the pandemic. 



What Exactly is Vocal for Local?


Vocal for Local is an initiative to empower local products (i.e., Manufactured in India) in the market which is competes at global standards and are truly able to draw out the essence of local brands in both domestic as well as international market.


By going vocal for local, India isn’t putting a stop purchasing other products in the market; rather, we are increasing the availability of local products, which stand to be equally valuable in terms of both price and quality as compared to its competitors. Indian goods are getting a place in International market and by this, people globally will invest there capital into Indian Brands and will definitely take the brand on International Level.


Vocal for Local is a smart initiative taken by the Indian government by which the small businesses like local brands can get the equal opportunity in the market to compete with.


Why Vocal for Local is so much important for Indian Economy?


In times of distress like these (Corona Pandemic), it is important to step up and do everything we can to help revive the Indian economy and work towards equipping our businesses with the tools to tide through such circumstances.


By helping revive the Indian economy, we are helping create more job opportunities locally, transform business processes and strengthen efficiency. Profit-driven globalization revealed multiple insecurities of countries when the pandemic began and multiplied these fears manifold overnight.


In times like these, when jobs are hard to come by, it is important to adapt to the crisis by creating new job opportunities through innovative new methods. This could mean finally setting up one’s dream business via an online marketplace, starting an online consulting business to help people in remote areas or any other great business idea on one’s mind with incredible software solutions being developed.


For an economically independent India, we need to rise  and support our local businesses. We need to create products and services that are made in India, made for India and also for the world. We also need to refocus our strategies from being profit-driven to becoming more people-centric and help people coming out of this global pandemic.





5 Things to keep in mind.

  • Brand Localization:


Middle-class consumers are loyal to there brands. Therefore, We have to make sure to have a strategy that focuses on local branding. Consider some announcements or a product launch with the help of small social media influencers to announce your arrival in the market. Some disagree about social media influencers as many lack genuity as a brand. This can be avoided by using a proper screening  process. We will definitely believe getting genuine social media influencers for a product launch which can give one’s product or service a good boost as compared to paid video ads.


  • Understanding the demographics:


Understand where one’s target audience lives. Is it for smaller or larger cities. We can use local language in communication if our audience is in smaller cities or in rural areas. Let’s not forget how big the rural market is in the because it is around 700 million people and is not well penetrated for health and wellness products or other consumer goods giving one ample amount of opportunity to grow.


  • Adapting to preferences:


We are not asking someone to change there products or services completely. A person can adapt to certain preferences, tastes, or even culture (if that’s possible). It can help improve chances of success and grow fast.


  • Language:


Things like language need to be looked upon while considering marketing in India. Maybe we can start with a more Indian company name when supplying one’s product or providing a service in India. Getting proper advice before registering a name. Law is not that stringent in India for advertisements; however, a bad move can lead to a huge public outrage and can diminish one’s brand to a great extent.


  • Price matters


Price is an important aspect for Indian consumers, mainly the lower income levels or middle class income levels. People may spend more on high-status items, but commodities other than that are likely to be purchased based on the cost. Therefore, We need to focus on the pricing according to our user.



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