4 ways to grow traffic on your website through social media

22/01/2021 2 Comment(s) Tutorial,

Social media is a popular way for entrepreneurs to engage with their audience. 92% of the entrepreneurs consider social media very important for their business. And it is expected that no. of global social media users hit 2.5 billion this year.


So how can you use social media to grow more traffic on your website?


Below I have mentioned some tips that will help to drive more traffic to your website.


1. Promote your blog content:


You write a blog by putting tons of effort and want the good audience to see and read it. But you are unable to get a good number of views on it. There is no point in creating good content if people are not reading it. You can solve this problem by promoting it on your social media platforms.


You can also start by creating a social media schedule that will help you to promote your old content.


There are some automatic tools like Hoot-suits, Buffer, and Social Jukebox that will help you to repost your old content automatically according to schedule.


For every blog post on your site, create a file with an additional 5-6 blog post title and add those to your social media scheduling tool, along with the URL of your article that will help to grow traffic back to old blog content.





2. Post when your audience is active:


Make sure that you should post on social media when your audience is most active. 


Build your strategy by following these general guidelines for when it’s best to post on social media.


You can also use a free tool that is followerwonk that will help to identify at what time of day your audience is most active.










3. Optimize your calls-to-action:


Call to action gives hints to a user what you want them to do. You can increase many clicks in social media by using call-to-action in your any post.


Call-to-action helps to convince your audience to click-through your site on social media.


Use phrases like: Click here, Read more or visit our site. These phrases will attract readers to actually click and grow your referral traffic from each platform.


List down a list of call-to-action you can test on your social media profile. Use them and record metrics such as link clicks, engagement and profile visits. This will help you to recognize which works best for the target audience.




4. Test paid social advertising:


Advertising on social media is an effective way to reach new audiences who are not aware of your website. 


If you have the marketing budget, social media advertisement is worth experimenting with. There is no need to break the bank for paid advertisement with Facebook, where cost per click is from $0.45 to $0.70 per click.


Create Saved Audience of people who are likely to be interested in your content while trialing Facebook ads. By using Call-to-action and ensuring your links are relevant to what your target audience is searching for, Facebook ads can be your biggest source of referral traffic.


All the above tips help you to grow the traffic on your websites. With the help of all the above steps you can easily drive the organic traffic to your website.    





Source: https://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/social-media-marketing-trends-for-small-business/