Message from CEO and Founder, Aagam Shah

Posted by Plushvie 22/03/2020 148 Comment(s) Tutorial,

Dear Plushvie Seller, 


I know we are going through a tough time these days. Along with our Gems and Jewellery industry, all the sectors of the world economy are currently going through an unprecedented crisis. At this juncture, I appreciate your pro-active steps to prevent any further spread of COVID-19. I know how big an impact it can create on our businesses. However, I am certain we will get through this together very soon. 


At Plushvie, I, along with my entire team, are completely committed to help you, so that you keep serving your clients despite your stores being locked down.

To help you, we have gone out of the way and have compiled an exclusive list of offers that every jeweller needs these days.


I have been in a regular touch with all the stakeholders of the industry including industry leaders, experts, association presidents, logistics service providers, manufacturers, wholesalers, retail chains, retail store owners, family houses, boutique owners, designers as well as jewellery shoppers of all age groups across India and abroad. 

After having talked to all of them, I have drawn some insights that are really helpful for me and I think it will be really helpful for you as well. Hence, here I am sharing all those insights with you. Hope you will find this helpful:


  1. Prevention:

Complete Lockdown of retail store is mandatory for growth. At first it might sound crazy, but think about this, there is a high chance that some of your employees might get affected by any of the visitors walking in your store or vice versa. Imagine, if this happens, how hard will it hit your business and that how many months will it take to get you back on track. To prevent this, it is mandatory to observe lockdown for at least 2 weeks from now. However, closing stores doesn’t mean closure of your business. How? Read further to know more! 


  1. Priority:

It is advised that you prioritise your tasks, revisit your risk analysis and be prepared for a possible financial crisis. The payments might get delayed while the credit period might get depleted. It is essential to plan for the risks and have multiple risk mitigation plans at hand. Keeping track of all of your liabilities and maintaining tighter cash outflow will help you mitigate possible risks. 


  1. Planning:

Hope for the BEST, Plan for the worst. Whatever timeline you have thought for the economy to go back to normalcy, kindly make it double. According to industry experts, it will take at least 6-8 months to get customer footfalls back to normal. Until then, the demand is likely to remain between 10% - 30% of the peak value. 


  1. Proactiveness: 

Go Digital when you can’t go physical. How? The answer is : “Virtual Try-on.” The best of the brands continue serving their clients even during the toughest of the periods. If clients can not visit your store, it is the RIGHT TIME to take a quick decision and reach out to them wherever they are. You can continue serving your clients through social media (where majority of the clients shall be active in coming months), E-commerce, Digital Cataloguing and Augmented Reality based virtual try-on.  

In order to help you GO DIGITAL, we have prepared an exclusive list of offers from Plushvie to get you started immediately. 


  1. Progress:

Change the direction, to change the outcome. What’s the best step to take now? The answer is: “Change the mode of retail”. In CHINA, post lockdown, the retail stores are seeing extremely low demand while E-commerce of the same products is growing so rapidly that managing supply to meet the demand is a challenge. 

The message is clear, in order to ensure growth, we MUST upgrade ourselves and make it convenient for the buyers to shop from us anywhere, anytime. 


Currently, my entire focus is on helping as many jewellers as possible, using technology, and ensure that their business grow even during this difficult times. 

In order to do that, here’s what we have come up with. We have compiled a list of benefits for the jewellery retailers which will be provided to the interested jewellers on first come first serve basis. 


While we want to serve every jeweller, we would be able to accommodate only a few jewellers due to the practical limitation of the resources available at hand.

Hence, I strongly recommend you to fill this form as soon as possible if you are interested in availing the benefits provided by Plushvie. 


Stay safe, stay away from rumours and let’s utilise this time to upgrade ourselves for faster and better growth soon. 


With Best Regards,


Aagam R Shah

Founder & CEO













In order to avail these benefits, we request you to kindly FILL THIS FORM on or before 31st March 2020.