7 Things to consider while buying jewelry online

Posted by Plushvie 10/01/2018 8 Comment(s)

7 Things to consider while buying jewelry online



Shopping jewelry online? Yes, you read it right. It is possible, and well: it is as easy as eating a pie. 

Many of us fear shopping jewelry itself, forget shopping it online, isn't it? Well, Jewelry, being so much near to women's heart, has potential to multiply your happiness and create happy memories. Many of us try to avoid buying jewelry unless it is absolutely required. And make no mistake; the price doesn’t bother us as much as our lack of knowledge.

We give you a checklist to take care of while you shop jewelry online. Follow these points, and you can buy jewelry with 100% confidence.

Now that you have almost decided which design you wish to purchase, check the following before clicking on the ‘Buy Now’ button:


1. Product Specifications:  The product design is so attractive that you want to own that product at any cost, but wait have a look at the product’s detailed specifications to understand more information about the product such as metal type, metal weight, and dimensions. Checking following specifications is mandatory:


a) Metal Type: 


Source:  http://vancouverdiamonds.ca/media/wysiwyg/gold.jpg

The metal could be Gold, Silver or Platinum depending upon the kind of jewelry manufactured. There are other composite metals as well which is used for jewelry manufacturing but most commonly used metals are the three mentioned above.


b) Metal Purity: 





Purity of metal plays a major role in pricing. Knowing exact content of pure metal is very important since the purity influences the final price. 


c) Stone Details:


                  Source: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/34/4b/db/344bdbc12d39d6bf5f15a7c0fb9a1ef9.jpg

Check stone specifications such as color, clarity, weight, number of pieces, etc. In case of diamonds, check whether the diamond is of premium quality such as E-F color and VVS quality (generally gives higher resale value compared to low-quality diamonds).You should know the ‘4C’s of Diamonds’ to judge the quality being offered to you. Some jewelry platforms provide an option to choose diamond quality as per your demand. We recommend opting higher grade of diamonds unless you want to compromise on quality to meet budget limits. The higher the quality of a diamond, the higher the return on your investment will be. 


d) Product Dimensions:


The image of product displays complete details of how a product will look like. However, many of us fail to guess how small or big the product will look when delivered. Hence, don’tplay the guessing game - you might end up disappointed if you’ve kept higher expectations. It is therefore, better to check the product dimensions and determine the look for sure. Many reputed jewelry platforms like Plushvie provide accurate product dimensions(height and width) in millimeters (mm) so that you can precisely figure out the dimensions of your coveted design. Some jewelry platforms like Caratlane.com provide a comparison tool which allows you to compare the product with several regularly used items such as a coin, measuring scale, USB plug, etc. so that you get a rough estimate how the product will look like. However, the best way to accurately judge your product dimensions is to know its actual dimensions. Do not be deluded by approximations and guessing work. It may cost you dearly.


 2. Check for Authenticity: 


Source: http://www.bullionindia.in/research/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/w_gold-kvEC-621x414@LiveMint.jpg


Check whether the jewelry selling platform provides Hallmarking and Certification for jewelry or not. If yes, it is good to know which type of certification is provided. We   recommend everyone to learn ‘Identifying Hallmark on your jewelry’ and ‘What should your jewelry certificate mention’ to know what you are purchasing.


3. Check Contact Details:


See whether the website displays its contact information transparently or prompts us to send an email. Think twice if the website shows only the email ID as their contact option. A reputed and authentic jewelry seller provides address details and phone number and a chat option along with the email ID so that you can contact them anytime. Successful sellers always feel happy to be contacted by their customers.


4. Check for SSL Certificate:  


If the website you are willing to buy from has an SSL certification, then the URL bar shows ‘https://’ instead of ‘http://’.


5. Return Policy & Exchange Policy:



Source: http://www.jericoclothing.com.au/uploads/1/5/0/1/15010122/7258622_orig.jpg

Check whether the website has a return policy and exchange policy or not. If possible, try to go through both the systems briefly to get an idea about the plans so that you do not take any decision in the dark.


6. Delivery Schedule: 



 Do you know how soon the product shall be delivered to your doorstep? Check it before ordering to avoid last minute surprises and unnecessary frustration post placing the order. Plushvie always provides every customer with a tracking ID for tracking their order until it reaches them so that you stay updated about your order status.  


Wrapping Up: It is  always better to be informed than to be disappointed. Buying jewelry online is very easy and needs a little piece of knowledge about a few specifications mentioned above. There are many ‘Advantages of buying jewelry online’ over the traditional way of jewelry shopping. Go, browse through thousands of authentic jewelry collection from reputed jewelry retailers on Plushvie and flaunt your style statement next time you step out of your home.